Eco-Friendly House Cleaning Lady N.1 in Centre!
Protect Your Loved Ones
Book Your Eco-Friendly House Cleaning Lady Today in Centre
Everything included in the standard Cleaning service with the inclusion of Eco-Friendly, Bio and Ecological Green Products

1. Eco-Friendly, Bio and Ecological Green Products are safer for children and pets.
Do you have nightmares about your little ones getting into the chemical closet under the sink? “For me, it’s my little cat Inata, who is dangerously obsessed with the smell of almost any chemical she can get her paws on, including our bleach.
When we last moved, the bleach was left on a bench, and we came home to find it had licked off the outside of the bottle, so that the whole container (not kidding) was wet to the touch.
Luckily for us, the lid had been put on securely and there were no spills on the sides, but the smell alone was enough to drive her crazy.
These days, I don’t even keep him in my house anymore, because Inata is a cat who can actually open closet doors.
Most Ecological Household products are plant-based, which means they contain natural ingredients that reduce health risks for your family and pets.
These Ecological Household products do not contain toxic chemicals such as Phosphates, Chlorine and Nitrates.
2. Cleaner air
There are many risks associated with using harmful chemicals in your home, but you may not know this yet: cleaning with harsh chemicals contaminates the air in your home through the evaporation of toxic fumes and fumes. .
You and your family are then exposed to these toxic substances when you breathe, which increases the risk of developing respiratory infections such as asthma.
Ecological Household products do not contaminate the air in your home because they contain Gentler Natural Ingredients.
Eco-Friendly, Bio and Ecological residential cleaning services, Book a professional cleaning lady in Centre

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3. Eco-Friendly, Bio and Ecological Green Products do not harm the natural environment
General household cleaners aren’t often recognized as pollutants, but the harsh chemicals found in most general cleaners contribute to smog, affect drinking water quality, and are also toxic to people. plants and animals.
When flushed into the water system, it is difficult for water treatment plants to remove them in large volumes, and some cannot be removed at all.
They then accumulate over time, impacting animal and plant life and Contaminating the Ecosystem.
Ecological Household products do not contain any of those highly harmful chemicals, such as Chlorine, Phosphates and Nitrates, which pollute the environment, making it a safer and much better option for the Earth.
Using products like these is a great way to reduce your Carbon Footprint. OFEV

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Avoid plastic waste with Zero Waste
What does Zero Waste mean? Quite simply: less packaging waste. We want to save plastic and focus on reusing materials.

Reduction of CO2 Emissions
SuisseMaids® joins your mission against harmful chemicals. Our eco-friendly products do a great job of making your home shine!

Together, let's reduce plastic
We count on your commitment, because the more customers use this offer, the more it will be possible to save plastic. For us, this project is a new step towards Zero Waste.
About SuisseMaids®
Keeping Your Home Clean is a Requirement for Achieving a Calm Mind.

The Cleansing process (if done right) can be considered a Powerful Form of Meditation — enabling you and your family to achieve that coveted Sanity.
Relax and get back to the things you love with a SuisseMaids® Ecological Deep Clean in Centre.
Let’s start today. Click below to book your first appointment.
Book Your Eco-Friendly House Cleaning Lady Today 60 Seconds In Centre!
To find out more, visit our Eco-Friendly, Bio and Ecological residential cleaning services in Centre
Eco-Friendly, Bio and Ecological residential cleaning services, Book a professional cleaning lady in Centre